Our Story


At Sand Creek Slabs, we believe in the power of stories to build connection between people and place. Each slab we sell carries a map of Sandpoint’s history. Each slab bears the fingerprints of our family. Each slab has the power to connect you and your abode more deeply to this landscape and the people who call it home.

quintanos owners sand creek slabs

Tyler and Jen Quintano, owners of Sand Creek Slabs

It all started with chainsaws and love.

Tyler and Jen Quintano teamed up in the trees in 2010 and have steadily built a thriving business. Along the way, they got married, welcomed a daughter, and made North Idaho their home. Along the way, they’ve enjoyed the help of hardworking employees and the praise of appreciative clients. Along the way, they’ve sweat a lot and smiled a lot and learned a great deal.

Sand Creek Slabs was a natural outgrowth of the Quintano’s arborist business, Sand Creek Tree Service. Once sought-after lumber like maple, walnut, Doug fir, and cherry started filling the log yard, the couple knew they couldn’t turn it into firewood or hobby mill with their chainsaw any longer. It was time to do right by these stately trees. The Norwood sawmill showed up the same week that Sylvie did, and the Quintanos have never looked back. They are grateful to be raising a daughter amidst sawdust and sap-scent, in a world where she is surrounded by the power and beauty of trees.

chainsaw manitoba maple for slabs

There’s a baby in that belly. And some beautiful box elder, besides.

ponderosa log for milling slabs

Whole-family seating on a ponderosa log.

moving logs for milling slabs

When we move, forget U-Haul; we require the help of logging trucks.

trailer load logs milling slabs

Dio monitors the loading and hauling process.

silver maple log for milling slabs

Our log yard boss with her prize silver maple.

skidsteer moving logs milling slabs

Sylvie is already a master skidsteer operator.